1. Yogurt
2. Kefir
3. Sauerkraut
4. Tempeh
5. Kimchi
6. Miso
7. Kombucha
8. Pickles
9. Buttermilk
10. Natto
11. Gouda, mozzarella, cheddar, cottage cheese
Probiotic foods have microorganism that help with digestive health, mental health, skin, cardiovascular health and so much more. Probiotics also can help with weight management and improve the immune system.
We damage the natural probiotics on a daily basis between the foods we eat, medications we take, and lifestyle choices (alcohol, smoking, etc).
Incorporate the foods in your diet regularly and your body will thank you.
Diet Modification: Low FODMAP diet.
Trial lactose or gluten free diet to see if this minimizes symptoms. Avoid caffeine and alcohol.
Lifestyle Modifications: Regular exercise and stress management.
Supplements: Probiotics, Peppermint (IB-Guard), Fiber (ps
Medications: talk with your provider if medication required
CBD is one of many cannabinoids from the cannabis plant. THC is the most well known cannabinoids, known for the mind altering “high” you get from it.
CBD, although a compound (cannabinoi) from the same plant, is very different from THC. CBD does not have any psychoactive effects. It is known to have anti inflammatory properties and was FDA approved for epilepsy treatment in 2018.
*Epilepsy or seizure disorders
*Chronic pain
*Sleep disorders
*Anxiety / depression
*Migraines / headaches
*Muscle pain
*Cancer / side effects of cancer treatment
*many many more...
Not all CBD products are FDA regulated, so here are a few things to look for when choosing a brand:
*Third party testing - this ensures an outside company (without connection to the brand) verifies the products listed in ingredients and dosing is accurate.
*Buy from a known company or healthcare company - basically this isn’t something you should pick up in the gas station mini market on your way home from work.
*Look at the ingredients- it should be a short list with cannabinoids derived oils.
Symptoms of migraine type headaches include:
-pain on one side of head or neck (although can present bilaterally)
-sensitivity to light
-sensitivity to noise
-nausea or vomiting
-some are preceded by an aura
Migraine Aura:
Something that happens before the onset of your headache that warns you it is coming. Examples include:
-visual Phenomena like seeing colors or flashing lights
-blind spots
-difficulty speaking
-pins and needles to face/head
Common triggers:
-change in sleep pattern
-change in amount of usual caffeine (more or less)
-changes in weather
-menstrual cycle
-alcohol, especially red wine
-fragrance, like perfumes
Knowing your triggers can help decrease the frequency of your migraines. Keep a headache diary and note things you did prior to onset to help find your triggers!
*Fourth most common malignancy worldwide
*More likely to effect males
*High incidences in Japan (higher survival rate however as they offer screening)
*Difficulty swallowing/painful swallowing
*Having to eat small portions
*Early satiety (feeling full quickly)
*Unexplained weight loss
*Persistent upper abdominal discomfort/pain
*Heartburn/indigestion or pain after eating
*Blood in stool or vomit
*Regular alcohol use
*H. pylori infections
*Stomach ulcers
*Family history (for certain types)
*Obesity/poor diet
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